Request Reminder Screen |
Introduction to Reminder Reports |
The Reminder Request exists so that a user is able to generate mailing reports, address labels, or a patient listing for patients in their organization. Read further to find out how to use criteria to improve the results of your report.
Purpose |
The request reminder screen is used to select and submit the patient, immunization, date, and sort order criteria used to determine which patients must be contacted resulting from being due now or past due for immunizations.
Functionality |
Create a New List-The Create New List section allows users options of selecting a previous reminder recall request criteria that was saved or creating new reminder recall request criteria.
Enter new Reminder Recall Request Criteria-Selecting the Enter new Reminder Recall Request Criteria radio button and supplying a list name will generate a brand new reminder recall request report that can either be generated as a report or saved as a template and generated as a report.
Use a previous Reminder Recall Request Criteria-Selecting the Use a previous Reminder Recall Request Criteria radio button and selecting a list name will display that list names template as the criteria on the page. Changing criteria on the page and generating and saving the report will save the changed criteria that was entered as that template. Generating the report however will not save the criteria template and will generate the report.
Selecting a Patient Population-The Patient Populations section enables reporting in a number of unique ways. Listed below are descriptions for providers.
Select Patient Population Options |
Description |
Available Admin Role |
Available State Role |
Patients Associated with Provider |
Selecting this option will return only patients who have been administered immunizations by your organization. This is considered normal reporting. |
Yes |
Yes |
Patients Residing in County |
Selecting this option will return all patients residing in the county designated for your organization. This option is only available to county providers. |
No |
Patients Associated with Provider or Residing in County. |
Selecting this option will return a combination of all patients you have immunized within your organization and all patients residing within the county designated for your organization. This option is only available to county providers. |
No |
Patients participating in statewide recall. |
Selecting this option will return all patients from Providers that are participating in the statewide recall program. This option is only available to State provider roles. |
No |
Additional Options-Additional Options that Patient Populations can be limited.
Option |
Description |
Remove Inactive Patients |
By default, only when running population reports, the report ignores whether or not a patient is active or inactive. To force this report to use the indicator, check the box "Remove Inactive Patients". All inactive patients will be excluded from your report. |
Remove Patients Not Allowing Reminders |
By default, only when running population reports, the report ignores whether or not a patient is not allowing reminders. To force this report to use the indicator, check the box "Remove Patients Not Allowing Reminders". All patients not allowing reminders will be excluded from your report. |
Selecting Tracking Schedule-Selecting a tracking schedule determines the set of recommended immunizations and corresponding dates that will be compared to each patient's immunization history.
Use Tracking Schedule Associated with Each Patient-Selecting the Use Tracking Schedule Associated with Each Patient option to use the tracking schedule that is associated with each patient.
Use Tracking Schedule Selected for All Patients-Selecting the Use Tracking Schedule Selected for All Patients option and selecting a tracking schedule from the tracking schedule pick list to us the selected tracking schedule for all patients.
Selecting Vaccine Groups to Report on-Selecting vaccine groups singles out any given vaccines within the selected tracking schedule based on the criteria that is selected.
Vaccine Group Selection-Two options are able to be selected here to single out any given vaccine group within the selected tracking schedule.
Use All Vaccine Groups-Uses all vaccine groups within the selected tracking schedule.
Use Vaccine Groups Selected-Selecting this option the user is able to select Vaccine Groups to be used for the selected tracking schedule by utilizing the Vaccine Group windows.
Adding Vaccine Groups
Select a Vaccine Group from the first pick list.
Click the Add button.
Removing Vaccine Groups
Select a Vaccine Group from the second pick list.
Click the Remove button.
Recommendation Selection-Three options are able to be selected here to single out the selected vaccine groups that are Due Now, Past Due, or Both based on the selected tracking schedule.
Vaccines Due Now-Selects patients that have at least one of the selected vaccine groups with a recommended date equal to or prior to today and overdue date is after today.
Vaccines Past Due-Selects patients that have at least one of the selected vaccine groups with an overdue date equal to or prior to today.
Both-Selects patients that have at least on of the selected vaccine groups with a recommended date equal to or prior to today or an over due date equal to or prior to today.
Selecting Subpotent Vaccinations-Selecting this option will filter the patients for patients that have subpotent vaccinations.
Unchecking the Use subpotent vaccinations checkbox will not filter the patients for subpotent vaccinations at all.
Checking the Use subpotent vaccinations checkbox will filter the patients for patients that have subpotent vaccinations.
Selecting a School or Primary Care Provider-Selecting these options allows filtering patient who have been assigned to a particular school or physician.
Selecting a school from the School pick list will include patients that have been assigned to the selected school given all the rest of the report criteria is met for the patient.
Selecting a primary care provider from the Provider (PCP) pick list will include patients that have been assigned to the selected school given all the rest of the report criteria is met for the patient.
Entering/Selecting Additional Demographic Information-Entering and/or selecting these options allows filtering patients who match specific demographic information with their records.
Entering a specific city in the Enter Additional Demographic Information section will filter for patients who have that specific city with their record given all other report criteria is met.
Entering a specific zip code in the Enter Additional Demographic Information section will filter for patients who have that specific Zip Code with their record given all other report criteria is met.
Selecting a county from the county pick list in the Enter Additional Demographic Information section will filter for patients who have the specific County selected with their record given all other report criteria is met.
Selecting Dates-Entering Date Ranges allows filtering patients by target date and birth date.
Entering a target date range will return patients that were, are, or will be due now, past due, or both depending on the criteria selected for the selected vaccine groups on a date falling within the target date range entered.
Entering a birth date range will return patients who have a birth date that falls between the birth date range entered.
Selecting Vaccine Groups to Display-Selecting Vaccine Groups to display will filter the vaccine groups that will actually display on the report as being recommended. By default all vaccine groups that are due now or past due will display on the report.
Vaccine Group Selection-Two options are able to be selected here to single out any given vaccine group to display as being recommended based on the report criteria.
Use All Vaccine Groups-Uses all vaccine groups when displaying and does not filter out any vaccine groups from displaying.
Use Vaccine Groups Selected-Selecting this option the user is able to select Vaccine Groups to be displayed for the report filtering the rest of the Vaccine Groups from displaying.
Adding Vaccine Groups
Select a Vaccine Group from the first pick list.
Click the Add button.
Removing Vaccine Groups
Select a Vaccine Group from the second pick list.
Click the Remove button.
Selecting Sort Order-Allows selection of how the report will sort. By default the sort order specified is Last Name ascending then by First Name Ascending.
First Sort Order
Selecting an option from the Sort 1st By pick list selects the report to be sorted by the selection made first.
Selecting an order from the Sort 1st By Order pick list selects the order that the report will be sorted on first.
Second Sort Order
Selecting an option from the Sort 2nd By pick list selects the report to be sorted by the selection made second.
Selecting an order from the Sort 2nd By Order pick list selects the order that the report will be sorted on second.
Third Sort Order
Selecting an option from the Sort 3rd By pick list selects the report to be sorted by the selection made third.
Selecting an order from the Sort 3rd By Order pick list selects the order that the report will be sorted on third.
Fourth Sort Order
Selecting an option from the Sort 4th By pick list selects the report to be sorted by the selection made fourth.
Selecting an order from the Sort 4th By Order pick list selects the order that the report will be sorted on fourth.
Sort By options |
Description |
First Name |
First Name of the patient. |
Last Name |
Last Name of the patient. |
School |
School associated to the patient. |
Provider |
Provider associated to the patient. |
County |
County associated to the patient. |
Order By options |
Description |
Ascending |
Sorts the field Ascending. |
Descending |
Sorts the field Descending. |
Report Criteria Submission |
Button |
Description |
When the Generate button is clicked, a query executes in the database according to the report criteria selected. Depending on the number of patients associated with the provider organization that submitted the report request, the query may take several minutes to complete. After clicking on Generate, you will be redirected to the check reminder status screen where you can monitor the progress of the report query. *Note* |
When the Generate and Save button is clicked, a query executes in the database according to the report criteria selected and the Reminder Request List will be saved as a template or update the existing template to be overwritten with the criteria being ran for the report. Depending on the number of patients associated with the provider organization that submitted the report request, the query may take several minutes to complete. After clicking on Generate and Save, you will be redirected to the check reminder status screen where you can monitor the progress of the report query. *Note* |
Notes |
Report Criteria Submission Note
After submitting your report by clicking on the Generate or Generate and Save button you can work in any area of the system without interrupting your report or causing system problems. To check on the status of your report click on the check reminder status link in the menu panel.